
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Faith Like A Child

As kids club came to a close yesterday (7/13/12), the beautiful women of the congregation at White Rock Baptist Church made us a lunch of Navajo tacos and taught us how to sing in Navajo. We sang three songs with them in Navajo and I can't believe how easily I began to sing with them and how easily the language came to each of us. I truly felt Gods presence as I opened my mouth and His words poured out. I can't even describe what I felt as His presence washed over me and as I sang. Once again I'm left in awe and feel completely unworthy to be in His presence. His love and Spirit was so evident, I never wanted to leave. It was nothing special. Just 3 women singing in Navajo accapella, but it was one of those moments that I just could not deny His presence. The kids club went great and we had about 20 kids from ages 2-9. My days were devoted to a little boy named Yngwie (pronounced Ingway). He is 2 years old and speaks a smattering of both english and Navajo. Most of the time, I had no idea what he was saying, but his joy and love for life are unparalleled. I often spend time with kids, but sometimes I miss the joy in their eyes because I am busy or they're simply just sassy. But something in this little boy never changed. We were always exploring, always learning, and always digging in whatever we could find. Everything was new and different for him and every time he did something was like the first time, even if we had done it 10 times before. I was challenged once again to not only see every part of this trip with fresh eyes, but also to see every part of my life in a new light every day and every time no matter how many times I have seen it or done it before. I wonder how life would change if I strive to find the positive and new element to everything I did and looked at it with a joy that is unexplainable. I wonder what God would do thru that and how much He would be able to use me for His glory because I am seeing things thru His eyes. I want to see everything with new eyes and with a new fresh look every time no matter how many times I have seen it. I pray I never lose that joy and I never ever lose that love for everything God brings me to or thru.

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