
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

"Groanings too deep for words"

Written (9/8/12)

Have you ever had one of those days that starts really well, but by the end of it, it feels like its been 4 weeks and you are emotionally, physically, and spiritually spent? Unfortunately, Monday was one of those days for me. Monday started off great, right in the middle of God's plan. My final week in Lambert's Bay was starting with beautiful sunny skies and warm weather, which was quite the change from the 37-40 degree weather we had had for the past few weeks. Without going into detail, my day changed within hours and the rest of the day was spent not knowing which end was up. I made many of calls to the U.S. and to Kenya talking thru the situation with my parents and Drew, but it didn't make anything easier. The reality was still there and my body was drained in every sense of the word. However, I knew that I needed time on my knees with my Savior. One of my favorite places to be is on my knees, no matter what is going on in my life, but Monday, it was the only place I felt safe. As I began to pray, God's spirit overwhelmed me with peace and the word to "stand on the truth I know." In reference to my situation, it was exactly that word I needed. But as my week went on and reality started to set in more and more, prayer became harder and harder. I wasn't angry with God or frustrated, or any negative feeling. I simply didn't know what to say. I felt like I was in a fog that I simply didn't know the way out of, but I knew He was all I needed. As my week went on and my ability to pray didn't come back as quickly as I would have liked, I couldn't help but remember this verse..."Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." ~ Romans 8:25-26. I felt an incredible peace that I cannot describe. One that I hadn't felt before. I didn't feel the pressure to pray or feel like I forced a prayer I didn't mean anymore. The Holy Spirit was interceding FOR me. On the days I truly felt like all I could do was say good morning to God and give Him my day, the Holy Spirit was doing what I couldn't. And on top of that, I found out later, that there were people in at least 4 countries around the world praying for me and the situation I was walking through. The power of prayer in undeniable, but to know the Holy Spirit is interceding as well for me, is a feeling I cannot describe. So know that wherever you are today and what you are going thru, first that I am praying for you and the timing of you reading this blog that God will use it in the perfect way, but there are others interceding for you and if that isn't enough, the Holy Spirit is interceding for you with "groanings too deep for words" and He is there with you in the midst of whatever battle you are fighting and here's the best part....He's already won it. Plain and simple. So hold to that truth and find comfort and peace in the intercedings of those who love and care about you, including the Holy Spirit.

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